PHP Traits Explanation with Example

PHP Traits

PHP Traits

PHP 5.4 introduces the concept of traits. In PHP 5.4 version several new features was introduced, one such feature was PHP traits.

PHP traits help us to minimize code duplication in our codebase. Until the concept of traits, PHP uses classical inheritance model in which one class can inherit only one class. But sometimes, it is beneficial to inherit from multiple classes to avoid code duplication. To solve this problem, PHP community introduces the concept of traits.

How to Increase File Size Import Limit in phpMyAdmin

How to increase file size import limit in phpMyAdmin. This is the common question asked by most of the people that, I get an error message when I am importing a file more than 2MB using phpMyAdmin.

I assume you have LAMP and phpMyAdmin installed on your system and your importing MySql database.

In your default setting, you’ll get following error message when you try to upload  a file more than 2MB.

Error : No data was received to import. Either no file name was submitted, or the file size exceeded the maximum size permitted by your PHP configuration…