How to Set Cookies for Multiple Subdomains

How to set cookies for multiple subdomains. In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to set and read a cookie from multiple subdomains.

HTTP is a stateless protocol. Stateless means client request a resource, a server respond to that request remembering the request later. So how website knows whether you are a unique user or you have visited previously. How they remember your previous browsing history, language preference etc.

How to Enable/Install apache mod_rewrite and mod_headers in ubuntu

Last week while i was working on url rewriting i face the problem. I had written the rule in .htaccess but forget to enable the mod_rewrite. Remember your .htaccess rule will not work until you enable the mod_rewrite.

How to install apache2 on ubuntu

Go to terminal (ctrl+Alt+T) and write the following command

Once apache2 installation is complete. Write the command mentioned below to enable mod_rewrite

After enable the mod_rewrite do the changes on following file

After done the changes restart the apache.

To restart apache2

Enable mod_headers in apache

Remember to restart apache 

So to restart apache2 write through terminal