Adminer Plugin to Manage WordPress Database Inside Admin Dashboard

Adminer_pluginWhen there is any datbase administration work, many of us use phpMyAdmin. Today i share you one of the best wordpress plugin which allow you to manage your wordpress database easily. Using  Adminer you can manage wordpress database inside admin dashboard.

How To use Adminer Plugin to Manage Database

To use this plugin, you first need to install it

1. Go to plugin, then select add new , search Adminer and click install.

Check plugin impact on wordpress page load time.

2. Once installed go to tools and click Adminer. It will show you the  panel, after that you have two option either you start this inside or in new tab.

Database Pluginadminer_window


It shows screen similar to phpMyAdmin, in which table are listed on left side . And in right side it shows the table structure and it’s data.

You can also take a Db Dump through Adminer, in the top left section there is option to take Database dump and to run sql command.

adminer_sql_command export_db

It is one of the best tools to manage your wordpress DB easily.

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I am technology lover who loves to keep updated with latest technology. My interest field is Web Development.