Top Five Websites to Learn Programming Online

Top Five Websites to Learn Programming Online. There is no age for learning and when it comes to learn programming. The online resources are best since you get to know the latest stuff and tricks. Another important reason why you would like learning programming online is that you won’t need any teacher as such and you will in turn save money. So basically which websites are best to learn programming online? We assimilated the 5 best websites from which you can easily learn programming/coding and achieve your purpose.

Multiply Two Numbers without using * (Multiplication Operator)

Write a C program to multiply two numbers without using * multiplication operator.

Given two numbers, both numbers are positive.  Write a program to multiply two numbers without using * multiplication operator.  This problem is bit tricky as we are not allowed to use multiplication operator .

We can use multiple approaches to solve this problem. In this tutorial, i am going to explain how to multiply two numbers using recursion as well as using iterative approach.

C Program to Multiply Two Numbers without using *

C Program to Multiply Two Numbers without using *

C Program to Reverse a Linked List using Recursion

Write a c program to reverse a linked list using recursion. Given a singly linked list, we have to write a code to reverse a linked list using recursion. This question is very important in terms of interviews.

In my previous post, I have explained C program to reverse a singly linked list. In this post, We are going to write a code to reverse a linked list using recursion.  If you are not familiar with the concept of recursion then check my previous tutorial on recursion vs iteration.

The time complexity to reverse a linked list using recursion is O(n).