In this article I will show you how you can add custom template to your blog and make it more beautiful and attractive. Lets start
Step 1: First Login to your Blogspot account.
Step 2: Click on Overview
What is HTTP status codes? How it helps to identify the problem in HTTP request. In this tutorial, we are going to walk through HTTP status codes & their significance.
HTTP status codes are the response code of a HTTP request which tells whether the request is successfully completed or not.
For example, Suppose you have typed theĀ URL in your browser and hit enter. This HTTP request goes to a server. If the web page does not exist it returns 404 page not found. So, 404 is a standard HTTP status code. It means the requested web page does not exist.
HTTP status code response is grouped into five classes.
1xx – Informational responses
2xx – Successful responses
3xx – Redirection messages
4xx – Client Error responses