Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

Given a binary tree, print the level order traversal of its node’s values.

For example:

Given below binary tree, the level order traversal of this binary tree is 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

level by level traversal of binary tree

level by level traversal of binary tree

In this tutorial, I am going to discuss level order traversal and its implementation using java code.

At the end of this tutorial, You’ll find a video link in which i have explained level by level traversal of binary tree using queue.

Programming video tutorials

Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

Level Order Traversal

Algorithm to Print Level Order Traversal using Queue

i) Declare a queue and add root node in a queue.
ii) Run a while loop while queue is not empty and do the following steps
a) poll a queue and print the node data.
b) Enqueue left and right children of a node if it’s not null.

Implement queue using two stacks

Find next greater element in an array

Binary Tree Level Order Traversal – Java Code

We have discussed the algorithm, let’s implement level by level traversal of binary tree using queue.

The time complexity of level order traversal is O(n) and it’s space complexity is also O(n).

Reverse level order traversal of a binary tree

In this example, we have printed the output in a single line.

Let’s write another version of this code in which we print the binary tree level by level.

Video Tutorial

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I am technology lover who loves to keep updated with latest technology. My interest field is Web Development.