Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K

Let’s discuss a interesting problem maximum sum subarray of size k

Given an array of positive integers and a positive number K. Write a code to find the maximum sum subarray of size k.

For example:

Let’s first understand what all subarrays we can form whose size is 3.

i) First subarray is {2, 1, 5} and it’s sum is 8.

ii) Second subarray is {1, 5, 1} and it’s sum is 7.

iii) Third subarray is {5, 1,3} and it’s sum is 9.

iv) Fourth subarray is {1, 3, 2} and it’s sum is 6.

Out of all these subarrays of size three, the maximum sum subarray is {5, 1, 3} and it’s sum is 9.