Program to Check Armstrong Number in Java

In this post, we are going to write a program to check armstrong number in java.

Given a number x, write a code to check whether a number x is Armstrong Number or not. Let’s first understand what is Armstrong number?

Armstrong number

An Armstrong number is an n-digit number that is equal to the sum of the nth powers of its digits.

For example – 153, 371 is an Armstrong number.

Example 1: 153 has 3 digits.

153 : 13 + 53 + 33 = 153

Example 2 – Take an example of 6 which has 1 digit.

6: 61 = 6 It’s an Armstrong number

Example 3 – Take another example let’s say 15, it has 2 digits.

15 : 12 + 52 = 26

So 15 is not an Armstrong number.

Example 4 – This time let’s take bigger number 1634, it has 4 digits.

1634 : 14 + 64 + 34 + 44 = 1634

So, we can say 1634 is a 4 digit armstrong number.