C Program to Insert a Node at the Beginning of Linked List

Write a C program to insert a node at the beginning of linked list. In this tutorial, we create a linked list and insert a new node at the beginning/head of linked list.

A Linked list is a linear data structure which consists a group of nodes and each node points to next node by means of a pointer. In Linked list, a node consists of two parts, a data and a pointer to next node.

Recursion vs Iteration – Difference between Recursion and Iteration

Recursion vs Iteration. What’s the difference between recursion and iteration.

Recursion and Iteration both are two different programming approaches. For some problems recursion is best suited and in some other cases iterative way of programming is good.

In programming, repeated set of instructions can be handled either by using recursive or iterative approach in our code. So which approach we choose and why? Let’s talk about the difference between iteration and recursion.

Recursion Concept with Example

What is recursion and how to use recursion in programming. If you are new to programming, then recursion concept is tough to understand. In this post, i’ll explain the concept of recursion with example.

What is Recursion ?

In Recursion, function call itself repeatedly, until the base or terminating condition is not true. To understand this statement let’s take an example.

Suppose, we have to print a number between start to end range. Let’s print number between 1 to 10.

It’s a much preferred way to write cleaner and shorter code for many complex problems.

Through recursion, you can reduce complex problem into smaller version.