How to Set Cookies for Multiple Subdomains

How to set cookies for multiple subdomains. In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to set and read a cookie from multiple subdomains.

HTTP is a stateless protocol. Stateless means client request a resource, a server respond to that request remembering the request later. So how website knows whether you are a unique user or you have visited previously. How they remember your previous browsing history, language preference etc.

How to Set Cookies for Multiple subdomains

How to Set Cookies for Multiple subdomains

The answer is they simply store information in a user browser through cookies. When you visit next time on a same website the cookie information is sent via HTTP Header to the server. Before going further let’s understand what is cookies.

What is Cookies in PHP?

Cookies are simple text files which store some information on a user computer. The information may be website language preference, visit count, last visit information etc. Cookies set on one domain or website cannot be accessed by other domains. For security point of view, it is safe. So cookie set by cannot be accessed by

The size of Cookie cannot be more than 4096 Bytes which is 4 KB.

PHP Cookies – How to Set, Read & Delete a Cookie in PHP

How to Set a Cookie in PHP

In PHP, setcookie() method is used to set a cookie.


Name – Name of a Cookie

Value – Value which you want to store in a cookie

expire – Set Cookies expiration time. If it is not set in that case a Cookie will expire when the connection to the server is closed.

path – specifies server path for the cookies.

domain – specifies a domain for which cookie is set.

secure – If this parameter is true in that case a cookie is set when a secure connection is detected.

This snippet set a cookie (with a cookie name product)  with an expiration time of 2 hours.

** Remember a cookie only store string values. If you want to store an array in a cookie then you have to first convert an array into a string.

How to store and retrieve an array value in a cookie

How to Set Cookies for Multiple Subdomains

Let’s take an example of Suppose this website has multiple subdomains such as, etc. We want to set a Cookie for all subdomains. In that case, I have to mention a domain name with a dot prefix.

/ – If a path is set / in that case a cookie will be available to scripts within the entire domain.

Htaccess Tutorial

How to Read a Cookie in PHP

Now we have set a cookie successfully. How to read a cookie in PHP.  We can do it through $_COOKIE.

Final Thought

1. There is a limit to how many cookies can set per domain.

2. Always set an expiration date for a cookie.

3. Try to avoid storing sensitive data in a Cookie.

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About WebRewrite

I am technology lover who loves to keep updated with latest technology. My interest field is Web Development.