Multiply Two Numbers without using * (Multiplication Operator)

Write a C program to multiply two numbers without using * multiplication operator.

Given two numbers, both numbers are positive.  Write a program to multiply two numbers without using * multiplication operator.  This problem is bit tricky as we are not allowed to use multiplication operator .

We can use multiple approaches to solve this problem. In this tutorial, i am going to explain how to multiply two numbers using recursion as well as using iterative approach.

C Program to Multiply Two Numbers without using *

C Program to Multiply Two Numbers without using *

C Program to Reverse a Linked List using Recursion

Write a c program to reverse a linked list using recursion. Given a singly linked list, we have to write a code to reverse a linked list using recursion. This question is very important in terms of interviews.

In my previous post, I have explained C program to reverse a singly linked list. In this post, We are going to write a code to reverse a linked list using recursion.  If you are not familiar with the concept of recursion then check my previous tutorial on recursion vs iteration.

The time complexity to reverse a linked list using recursion is O(n).