Find Pairs with Given Sum in a Sorted Array – Java Code

Find pairs with given sum in a sorted array.

Given an array A of size N. Write a code to find all pairs in the array that sum to a number equal to K. If no such pair exists then output will be 1.

NOTE – The array elements are distinct and in a sorted order.

For example –

Input :

arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
sum = 9


Pairs with given sum 9 is

Pair (2 , 7 )
Pair (3 , 6 )
Pair (4 , 5 )

Find Pairs with Given Sum in a Sorted Array

Find Pairs with Given Sum in a Sorted Array

How to Find Pairs with Given Sum in Array

i) To solve this problem, let’s take two indexes low and high and assign a value zero and array length -1.

low = 0, high = arr.length-1

ii) Traverse an array from both the ends and increment the value of low and high based on whether the sum of arr[low] + arr[high] is greater or less than the given sum.

iii) If we found the pairs with given sum then print the value.

The time complexity of this approach is O(n).

Programming Video Tutorials

Find Pairs with Given Sum in a Sorted Array – Java Code

We have discussed how we can solve this problem in O(n) time complexity.

Let’s write a java code print all the pairs with given sum in an array.

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