How to Concatenate String in Javascript

How to concatenate string in javascript . Every programming language provides ways to concatenate one or more string . Facility to concatenate one or more string is very useful if you are working on web application .

In this post, we learn various ways to concatenate string in javascript.

How to Concatenate String in Javascript

Method 1 : Using + Operator

Simple and easiest way to concatenate one or more strings is through +(addition) operator.

Difference between document.ready and window.onload

Method 2: Using += Operator

Method 3: Using Javascript concat() method.

Convert an array to string using javascript join() method

If you have an array and want to print as a string then use join() method.

Difference between undefined and null value


I have demostrated various methods to concatenate string in javascript. Here is the performance analysis for various concatenation operation.

Performance Analysis.

If i miss any points, let us know through comments.

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I am technology lover who loves to keep updated with latest technology. My interest field is Web Development.