Program to Delete a Linked List

Write a program to delete a linked list. Given a linked list, we have to write a code to delete a linked list.

To delete a complete linked list, traverse all the nodes of a linked list and delete one by one.

Print Middle Element of a Linked List

How to Delete a Linked List

To delete a node one by one maintain two pointers.  The first pointer points to head and the second pointer keeps the reference to next node. So when a node is free, you can assign the reference of next node using the second pointer.

Reverse a linked list using iteration.

Reverse a linked list using Recursion.

C Program to Delete a Linked List

We have discussed the logic of  a program, let’s implement it.


Time Complexity : O(n)

Space Complexity : O(1)

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I am technology lover who loves to keep updated with latest technology. My interest field is Web Development.