How to Install PHP 7 on Ubuntu

PHP 7 , the latest version of PHP was already released. It was released on December 3rd, 2015. PHP 7 comes with a number of new features, and the most amazing feature is  speed. PHP 7 provides an incredible performance boost to your web applications.

Here is the benchmark of PHP 7. PHP 7 benchmark.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install PHP 7 on Ubuntu.

How to Install PHP, MySql, Apache in Ubuntu

How to Install PHP 7 on Ubuntu

Let’s first update the package index and install PPA called ondrej/php .

Now, we have to update the package index.

Check all PHP7 packages available for installation.

apt-cache is used to search software packages which are available and these packages are ready for installation on Debian or Ubuntu based systems.

Install, Uninstall, Update Package through apt-get package manager in Ubuntu

You will get following output –

All the PHP7 packages are added. Let’s install it.

To verify whether php7.0 is installed or not, just type php -v command on your terminal.

The following output will be printed.

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